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connecting commercial advertisers and the beef industry


The world of digital for the beef industry continues to grow since its beginnings in early 2000. CMG President Jay Carlson was one of the industry online pioneers with the launching of one the most successful E-newslsletters in agriculture. Even from the beginning, he recognized that people could be reached more economically via the internet than through the mail. He knew that as the digital capabilities improved, so would marketing opportunities. Little did he ever dream however fifteen years later, during a global pandemic, cowmen would be bidding on bulls at auction without having to leave the ranch.


Currently CMG offers the following Cattle Business Weekly digital opportunity. 


Published in Phillip, South Dakota, this weekly print publication offers advertising opportunities for website, Eblast and newsletter messages.

These offer commercial advertisers strong digital marketing opportunities. Drop me a note and lets schedule a conference call to customize program for you:

"My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there." -Charles Kettering

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